Enrich video analytics with additional data sources
Streamline data integration & insight usage with multiple output formats
Enrich video analytics with additional data sources
Streamline data integration & insight usage with multiple output formats
See a snapshot of your stores performance
across all key metrics

Monitor daily traffic, number of transactions and conversion rate (compared to last period)
Most and least visited?
Best and worst conversion stores?
How long do customers stay in your stores?
Which are the hottest sections?
How long do customers stay there?
How many % buy in each segment?
Which segment is your top buyers?
Which time frame has the highest traffic?
On which day of the week?
See a snapshot of your stores performance
across all key metrics

Monitor daily traffic, number of transactions and conversion rate (compared to last period)

Most and least visited?
Best and worst conversion stores?
How long do customers stay in your stores?

Which are the hottest sections?
How long do customers stay there?

How many % buy in each segment?
Which segment is your top buyers?

Which time frame has the highest traffic?
On which day of the week?